Tag Archives: lemon juice

Vegan Queso Cheese by Michelle Johnson

capture_24092014_125321Michelle Johnson demonstrates a cheese recipe developed by Isa Chandra Moskowitz. This is a melty, gooey cheese recipe, ideal as a queso cheese.  Sauteed onions, bell pepper, jalapeno pepper and garlic are added to a blender along with soaked cashews, cornstarch, white miso, vegetable broth, nutritional yeast and some spices.  After everything is blended, pour the mixture into a pot and heat it until it thickens.  Simple and delicious. Continue reading

Harissa Tahini Romaine Wraps by Jenné Claiborne

capture_17092014_084016Jenne prepares a one dish recipe, creating a healthy filling that can be used in a lettuce wrap or in a more classic salad.  The fillings main ingredients are quinoa, chickpeas, black beans and carrots.  Jenne also creates a “harissa tahini” dressing, which is basically some harissa (a Tunisian favorite spicy condiment) combined with tahini.   Jenne pours her harissa tahini mixture over the filling on romaine lettuce leaves and over a salad made with lettuce and her filling mixture.   This recipe is very easy to make and it’s very healthy and delicious. Continue reading

How To Make Hummus by Hilah Johnson

capture_15092014_124606Hilah Johnson demonstrates how simple and economical it is to make hummus at home.  You only need a few simple and readily available ingredients and a blender.  Other flavors of hummus can easily be made by adding other ingredients such as spinach, roasted red peppers, etc.  Hummus is a healthy dish with a lot of protein that can be used as a dip or a spread with bread, crackers or vegetables. It can be used as an appetizer, lunch/brunch or snack, etc.  If you keep some in your refrigerator, it’ll be easy to grab it when you are needing a healthy snack.  Enjoy it. Continue reading

How to make traditional hummus by Bachar Haikal

capture_15092014_111034This is a traditional recipe for hummus demonstrated by Bachar Haikal who owns two Lebanese restaurants in Melbourne’s South East which has an enormous Jewish population.  This recipe uses olive oil as a garnish rather than as a key ingredient, so it has a lower fat content than many other recipes.  It’s easy to make.  Of course, we’ll probably use modern tools rather than the traditional mortar and pestle.  Hummus can be served as a healthy appetizer, snack or lunch, served with a crispy bread or a variety of vegetables.  Enjoy it. Continue reading

White Bean Kale Dip by Heather Nicholds

capture_08092014_114923In this video, Heather shows us how to make a very easy bean and kale dip, which can be used as a spread in sandwiches, or as a snack or appetizer with some crackers, fresh vegetables, etc.  Beans are a favorite source of protein, fiber and other nutrients in vegan/vegetarian recipes.  In addition to a mix of spices, this recipe includes kale, which is a healthy leafy green vegetable.  It is extremely easy to make, just add the beans, kale, spices, and lemon juice to a food processor.  No other cooking process is required. Continue reading

Caesar Salad by Vegan Coach

capture_05092014_172602I’ve always enjoyed Caesar Salads.  But, I don’t like the inclusion of raw eggs, anchovies, and a lot of oil in the dressing.  In this video, Sassy, The Vegan Coach, shows how to make a delicious alternative to a traditional Caesar salad dressing.  It has no raw eggs, no anchovies, and no large amount of oil.  At first glance, it looks complicated with all the different ingredients.  But, if you get organized, it’s actually pretty easy.  And, it’s much healthier for you.  Enjoy. Continue reading