How to make traditional hummus by Bachar Haikal

capture_15092014_111034This is a traditional recipe for hummus demonstrated by Bachar Haikal who owns two Lebanese restaurants in Melbourne’s South East which has an enormous Jewish population.  This recipe uses olive oil as a garnish rather than as a key ingredient, so it has a lower fat content than many other recipes.  It’s easy to make.  Of course, we’ll probably use modern tools rather than the traditional mortar and pestle.  Hummus can be served as a healthy appetizer, snack or lunch, served with a crispy bread or a variety of vegetables.  Enjoy it.

Hummus is a traditional middle eastern dish that goes back hundreds of years.  Did you know there is a serious controversy about what culture invented it.  Both Jews and Arabs are claiming it as their own creation. You can learn more about the conflict, which may affect the rights to sell it as a trademarked item in this website,