Tag Archives: vegetable broth

Black Bean Soup by Michelle Johnson

capture_28092014_112945Here is a tasty black bean soup made with fresh vegetables and canned black beans.  Michelle chops and sautes onions, carrots, celery, garlic and spices.  Then she adds rinsed canned black beans and vegetable broth, and simmers the soup mixture.  Then she blends it, reserving some beans to add to her soup for texture after she blends it.  Easy to make.  Delicious.  And good for you. Continue reading

Vegan Queso Cheese by Michelle Johnson

capture_24092014_125321Michelle Johnson demonstrates a cheese recipe developed by Isa Chandra Moskowitz. This is a melty, gooey cheese recipe, ideal as a queso cheese.  Sauteed onions, bell pepper, jalapeno pepper and garlic are added to a blender along with soaked cashews, cornstarch, white miso, vegetable broth, nutritional yeast and some spices.  After everything is blended, pour the mixture into a pot and heat it until it thickens.  Simple and delicious. Continue reading