No Oil Hummus Recipe by Anja

capture_10122014_185848Anja shows how to make a quick hummus recipe using canned chick peas and canned butter beans as the main ingredients.  She blends these with some spices, and makes an almost instant hummus dish.  Once, you have this basic hummus dish, you can add different ingredients such as roasted garlic, roasted tomatoes, roasted peppers, etc.  Unlike traditional hummus recipes, this one does not have any olive oil in it, which makes it is a much healthier recipe.  Serve it with crackers, vegetable slices, or as a spread on sandwiches, etc. Enjoy.


Anja is a housewife and mother.  Health issues motivated her to search the internet for help.  She discovered the book, “The China Study”, learned about the benefits of a plant based diet and adopted a vegan diet strategy.  Quickly, she experienced major improvements in her health.  Soon, her husband joined her in a vegan diet strategy.  Then, their young son joined them after he learned about the cruelty animals experience in factory farming.  Anja studied books and on-line videos how to make vegan recipes, and is now creating and sharing plant based recipes with the world..

You can follow her activites and enjoy her recipes on her website,

Her youtube channel is here.