Vegan “Meatloaf” Recipe (GLUTEN-FREE) by The Vegan Zombie

capture_21092014_161551This “meatloaf” is made with millet, potatoes, onions, and seasonings.  The millet is boiled and simmered in vegetable stock.  The potatoes are cooked in water.  The onions are sauteed in olive oil with garlic.  Seasonings are added along the way.  When all the ingredients are cooled, they are combined and mashed together.  The mixture is place in a baking dish and baked.  The result is a healthy comfort food that resembles meat loaf.  But, it doesn’t have the unhealthy meat in it.

The Vegan Zombie is a tongue in cheek “horror” show that demonstrates vegan recipes.  It is produced by two friends, Jon and Chris.  Jon, who has a culinary degree, is the host and cook.  Chris is behind the scenes, directing, filming, and helping create recipes.

You can see more of their activities and recipes on website

They also have a cookbook available on Amazon – The Vegan Zombie Cook & Survive – Cookbook Book.