Smoked Paprika “Cheese” by Anja

capture_22102014_141733Many non dairy cheese substitutes are made with nuts or soy products.  In this video recipe, Anja demonstrates how to make a non-dairy cheese substitute with oats, sweet potatoes, red bell peppers, nutritional yeast, smoked paprika and other spices, and lemon juice.  She blends the mixture.  She then makes an agar agar and water mixture, which she adds to and blends with the previous blended mixture.  She places this combination into molds, which she places in the refrigerator  After this “cheese” mixture has set up, she then enjoys her non-dairy “cheese”.  You can tell Anja enjoys creating and preparing vegan recipes.  You should try this too.  You can experiment with adding different herbs and spices.  I’ll bet you will be pleased with it.

Anja is a housewife and mother.  Health issues motivated her to search the internet for help.  She discovered the book, “The China Study”, learned about the benefits of a plant based diet and adopted a vegan diet strategy.  Quickly, she experienced major improvements in her health.  Soon, her husband joined her in a vegan diet strategy.  Then, their young son joined them after he learned about the cruelty animals experience in factory farming.  Anja studied books and on-line videos how to make vegan recipes, and is now creating and sharing plant based recipes with the world..

You can follow her activites and enjoy her recipes on her website,

Her youtube channel is here.