Category Archives: Other

Adapting Recipes – Dean Ornish MD

Simple techniques can be used to modify recipes that follow the typical American or Western nutrition strategy into much healthier Asian, Mediterranean or Vegetarian nutrition strategies that are the basis of the Nutrition Strategy used for recipes presented in this blog. These modified recipes are much healthier and still taste wonderful. Continue reading

Low Fat Cooking Tips and Techniques – Dean Ornish MD

Simple techniques can be used to convert typically high fat recipes into healthy low fat recipes without sacrificing good taste. The techniques in this post are from the healthy nutrition and lifestyle books by Dean Ornish MD, one of the nutrition and medical experts who have influenced the Nutrition Strategy used for recipe analysis and makeovers in this blog. (Buy his books here.)

Some of Dean Ornish’s Low Fat Cooking Tips and Techniques are listed after the jump: Continue reading


This Foodie and Friends Web Site does NOT provide medical advice and the data in this site is provided for information purposes only. The medical and/or nutritional information on this site is NOT intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.

Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay seeking it because of something you have read on this Web site.

If you are seriously ill, or are taking medicine of any kind, always seek close supervision by and follow the advice of a competent physician when you change your diet, exercise, and habits.

Analysis, Conclusion and Nutrition Strategy

There are thousands Epidemiological, Migration, and Research studies offering data on health consequences of nutrition.

Epidemiological Data:
There is overwhelming evidence that suggests a Western diet or nutrition strategy results in obesity and long term chronic health problems and disease, in contrast to good health and longevity associated with a Vegetarian, Asian, or Mediterranean diet or nutrition strategy.

The largest nutrition study in history was The China Project. T Colin Campbell, PhD, the principle investigator, summarized the results of this study in his book, “The China Study”. It also confirms the results of studies conducted by other researchers which are published in peer review professional journals.

(Among other sources, these data are discussed in the published works of our nutrition and medical experts.) Continue reading

Harvard’s Healthy Eating Pyramid

The Vegetarian, Asian, and Mediterranean diets emphasize whole foods, with grains, vegetables, fruits and legumes as the foundation of their nutrition pyramid. However, the Vegetarian diet excludes all animal protein, while the Asian and Mediterranean diets allow very small amounts of meat monthly, and both the Asian and Mediterranean diets consume fish several times per week. The Mediterranean diet includes more oil and dairy products than does the Asian diet. All of them allow, perhaps even recommend moderate amounts of alcohol. And, they all emphasize drinking water and regular exercise. Continue reading

Food Pyramids and Nutrition Strategies

The epidemic rate of overweight and obese people in America, with its associated diseases, shows the nutrition strategy for the typical Western or American Diet does not work. However, many studies show population groups who follow a Vegetarian, Asian, or Mediterranean diet enjoy good health and longevity with much lower rates of cancer, heart and other diseases typically associated with the Western or American diet. Continue reading