Tackling diabetes with a bold new dietary approach by Neal Barnard, MD

capture_19092014_101306Diabetes is a major problem in the United States.   Over 100 million people have pre-diabetes or diabetes.  This is an epidemic.  Diabetes has serious consequences, leading to amputations, cardiovascular disease, blindness, etc.

In this lecture to the TEDx audience in Fremont, California, Dr. Barnard describes in simple terms how and why  diabetes occurs.  He then describes how diabetes can be controlled and actually reversed with a low fat plant based diet.

Dr. Neal Barnard is one of our Medical Experts.  He is a very active researcher into the health benefits and causes of disease as a result of the nutrition in our diets.

He and his colleagues regularly conduct nutrition and medical/health research studies.  They publish their results in prominent international peer reviewed medical journals.

You can learn more about Dr. Barnard on his website, nealbarnard.org