Tag Archives: vinegar

Oatmeal Tempeh “Meatloaf” by “LowSaltVegDudes”

capture_14012015_132332This is an easy and tasty recipe with healthy ingredients.  They steam bite size tempeh pieces, and cook some oatmeal.  They saute onions,  garlic and seasonings, add tomatoes and then combine all these ingredients in a blender.  The blended mixture is placed in a baking pan, topped with marinara sauce, and baked.  This is an easy way to prepare a healthy version of a typical comfort food, “meatloaf”.  Expand your taste horizons, and try it.  Enjoy. Continue reading

Perfect Roast Potatoes by Jamie Oliver

capture_27122014_141016Jamie par boils pealed potatoes, places them in a single layer in an oiled pan, and roasts them for about 1/2 hour.  Then, he gently mashes them and adds herbs before putting them back in the over.  This technique produces potatoes with a crisp and crunchy outside layer, and a soft interior.  He also offers three suggestions for different herb combinations.  Delicious!  Enjoy. Continue reading