How to Make a Vegetarian Alternative to Fish Sauce by Christie Morrison (America’s Test Kitchen)

capture_08122014_141445There are delicious recipes that include fish sauce.  Fish sauce adds umami, or depth of flavor and savoriness to recipes.. Most umami-rich foods are animal based, such as bacon or fish or parmesan cheese.   However, several vegan foods such as seaweed, mushrooms, and miso also contain umami.   And, fermented foods, such as soy sauce, are loaded with umami.   Here is an easy to make recipe, developed by America’s Test Kitchen, to make a vegan fish sauce alternative.  Or, you can buy a commercially available vegan fish sauce.


From the “About” section on America’s Test Kitchen’s youtube channel –

“America’s Test Kitchen is a real 2,500 square foot test kitchen located just outside of Boston that is home to more than three dozen full-time cooks and product testers. Our mission is simple: to develop the absolute best recipes for all of your favorite foods. To do this, we test each recipe 30, 40, sometimes as many as 70 times, until we arrive at the combination of ingredients, technique, temperature, cooking time, and equipment that yields the best, most-foolproof recipe.”

America’s Test Kitchen website is here,

America’s Test Kitchen youtube channel is here.

America’s Test Kitchen cookbooks are available on Amazon.