Cooking with Herbs by Jamie Oliver

capture_16112014_132020Jamie uses several different herbs, which are great for both flavor and health, to show how to harvest the herbs from their stems, and how to chop/cut them to release their flavors for use.  He provides tips such as – running herbs under warm water for about 7 seconds to loosen up their natural oils and increase their flavor.  Also, picking small leaves and placing them in a cup of water keeps them fresh and perky, ready to be used as a delicious and attractive garnish on your finished plate.  Try these simple techniques and take your cooking skills to a higher level.

Here is Jamies’ tutorial on using a pestle and mortar to prepare dressings, flavored oils and marinades with herbs and spices.

Jamie Oliver is an extremely successful chef and entrepreneur.  He owns an interest in over 30 restaurants, is a TV personality, and cookbook author.  He is active in trying to improve the food and eating habits of people, particularly children.

You can learn more about him on his website,

His youtube channel, Jamie Oliver’s FoodTube, was awarded the Best Original Web Channel in 2013, by Broadcast Digital Awards.

His cookbooks are available on Amazon.

Check out his “how-to” website,