Vegan Fish and Chips by Candice Hutchings

capture_29102014_150637Candice uses eggplant as an alternative for fish in this recipe.  She uses a marinade of kelp granules, garlic powder, and lemon juice to make the eggplant taste more like fish rather than simply battered eggplant.  After the eggplant is marinated and coated with a similarly seasoned beer batter, Candice fries it.  She serves it with french fried potatoes and a vegan tarter sauce.  If you wish to reduce calories and the oil from frying, you could bake the fish and potatoes instead of frying them.  I’ll bet Candice’s technique for making eggplant taste like fish could be used to replace fish in other recipes.  This looks good.

Candice Hutchings has a website and is the host of a youtube channel.  On her show, “The Edgy Veg”, she turns typically meat-only meals into delicious vegan dishes.

You can lean more about her, follow her activities, and enjoy her recipes on her website,

She is also featured on this website,

Her youtube channel is here.