Lighter Eggplant Parmesan by Sarah Carey

capture_23102014_132851Sarah bakes her eggplant instead of frying it.  She uses a flour, milk, and tomato sauce mixture as a creamy filling replacing the ricotta cheese typically used in other recipes.  After she layers her pre-baked eggplant, she tops it with mozzarella and parmesan cheese.  This is an easy recipe for a healthier makeover by replacing the milk, mozzarella and parmesan cheese with vegan alternatives.  This is another easy to make and healthy recipe that can be made ahead for use later in the week.

Sarah Carey is a mom with 2 hungry kids and the editor of Everyday Food magazine where her job is to come up with the best ways to make fast, delicious food at home.

Her video recipes feature her favorite fast, fresh meals, and include the tricks she uses to make them easier.

Everyday Food is one of the Martha Stewart group of companies.  You can enjoy Sarah’s recipes on her website, Everyday Food with Sarah Carey.

Her youtube channel is here, Everyday Food.